Analyze a business concept and demonstrate that understanding through a personal test
Accounting I
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of accounting. Competencies include:
- Journalizing
Account Classification
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Terminology, Concepts, and Practices
Bank Reconciliation
Types of Ownership
Manual and Computerized Systems
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Accounting II
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews more advanced accounting. Competencies include:
Financial statements
Corporate accounting
Ratios and analysis
Income tax
Accounts receivable and payable
Budgeting and cash flow
Cost accounting/manufacturing
Departmentalized accounting
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of advertising. Competencies include:
Personal Selling & Sales Promotion
Traditional Advertising Media
Branding & Positioning
Advertising & the Economy
Advertising & Public Relations
Creation of the Advertisement
Consumer-Oriented Advertising
Consumer Behavior
The Target Market
Market Segmentation
Product Development
Product Life Cycle
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of agricultural businesses. Competencies include:
Finance and accounting
Terminology and trends
Health, safety, and environmental management
Management analysis and decision making
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Business Communication
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of business communication. Competencies include:
Communication concepts
Written & report applications
Reading comprehension
Editing & proofreading
- Verbal & nonverbal communication
Word definition & usage
Punctuation & capitalization
Digital communication
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Business Law
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of business law. Competencies include:
Legal systems
Contracts and sales
Business organization
Property laws
Computer law
Agency and employment laws
Negotiable instruments, insurance secured transactions, bankruptcy
Consumer protection and product/personal liability
Domestic and private law
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Computer Problem Solving
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of computer problem solving. Competencies include:
Operating systems
Personal computer components
Printers and scanners
Safety and environmental issues
Laptop and portable devices
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Cyber Security
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of cyber security. Competencies include:
Public key
Physical security
Forensics security
Cybersecurity policy
Defend and attack (virus, spam, spyware)
Network security
Disaster recovery
Email security
Intrusion detection
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of economics. Competencies include:
Supply & Demand
Market Structures and Competition
Investments and Interest Rates
Role of Government
Basic Economic Concepts and Principles
International Trade/Global Economics
Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Types of Business/Economic Institutions
Business Cycles/Circular Low
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Financial Math
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of financial math. Competencies include:
Consumer credit
Mark-up and discounts
Data analysis and reporting
Interest rates
Bank records
Ratios and proportions
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Healthcare Administration
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of healthcare administration. Competencies include:
- Managing Office Procedures
Medical Terminology
Communication Skills
Managing Financial Functions
Health Insurance
Legal & Ethical Issues in Healthcare
Records Management
Infection Control
Medical History
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Human Resource Management
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of human resource management. Competencies include:
Training and Development
Performance Management
Human Resource Planning
Employee Compensation and Benefits
Government Relations and Issues
Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
I just don't have a lot of resources for this event. It's a relatively new event so there isn't a lot currently available.
Insurance and Risk Management
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that reviews the basics of insurance and risk management. Competencies include:
Risk Management
Property & Liability Insurance
Insurance Knowledge
Decision Making
Health, Disability, & Life Insurance
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Introduction to Business Communication
Introduction to Business Concepts
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that introduces business concepts. Competencies include:
Economic Systems
Career Awareness
Money Management, Banking, and Investments
Characteristics and Organization of Business
Right and Responsibilities of Employees, Managers, Owners, and Government
Global (International) Business
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Introduction to Business Procedures
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that introduces business procedures. Competencies include:
Human Relations
Technology Concepts
Communication Skills
Decision Making/Management
Career Development
Business Operations
Database/Information Management
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Introduction to FBLA
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that introduces FBLA organizational information. Competencies include:
FBLA Organization (History, Programs, Leadership)
FBLA Bylaws
FBLA Competitive Events
FBLA National Publications
FBLA Mission, Pledge, Creed, and Goals
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Introduction to Information Technology
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that introduces information technology. Competencies include:
Computer Hardware
Computer Software
Operating Systems
Common Program Functions
Word Processing
Presentation Software
Networking Concepts
E-mail and Electronic Communication
Internet Use
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
Introduction to Marketing Concepts
Event Description:
This event is a 50 minute test that introduces marketing concepts. Competencies include:
Basic Marketing Functions
Selling and Merchandising
Promotion and Advertising Media
Channels of Distribution
Marketing Information, Research, and Planning
Legal, Ethical, and Social Aspects of Marketing
Practice Tests
Additional Resources
This event is meant to be an introductory version of Marketing (found in the business role play senario section)
There aren't a lot of resources for Introduction to Marketing Concepts specifically; however, the other event listed will have practice tests that are relevant to the competencies for this test.