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Analyze a business concept and demonstrate that understanding in a presentation format

Broadcast Journalism

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a visual presentation mimicking a live broadcast which will be presented in front of a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people total). Your presentation should include the following information which matches the topic below:​

  • A story highlighting a first responder to the emergency

  • Cause of emergency

  • Emergency’s Impact to the community

  • Interview of someone impacted

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Your community is known for its diverse and vibrant culture and has been struck by a major emergency. The specific nature of the emergency is left for teams to decide and can range from a natural disaster (like a hurricane or earthquake) to a large-scale industrial accident, a widespread health crisis, or even a cyber-attack affecting critical infrastructure.

Business Ethics

  Event Description:

  • Business Law

  • Communication Skills

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Professional Development

   Participants in this event need to analyze a business ethics senario, present their solution to the issue to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people), write a one page summary about the issue and the proposed solution, and take a test proving knowledge about the topic. Compentencies include:​

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Students competing in this event need to analyze the ethics involved in the attached pdf and come up with a solution based on their understanding of the issue. The solution the individual arrives at also needs to be summarized in a one page report. Finally, students must finish an objective test to prove their knowledge. This test is 100 questions over a 50 minute period.

Client Service

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event will be given a topic the day of the competition which focuses on problem solving, managing customer relationships, and providing outstanding client service experiences. Further details are in the topic below. Competencies include:​

  • Career & Self-Development

  • Communication

  • Leadership

  • Professionalism

Topic Information

Additional Resources

The topic for this event is given in person the day of the competition. Individuals competing in this event will be given 10 minutes to read and reflect on the topic given, then 5 minutes to present. A pencil and 2 note cards will be made available and can be used during your presentation. Presentations are traditionally given in front of a small panel of judges.

Data Analysis

  Event Description:

  • Use the provided data (pdf)

  • Identify trends

  • Make recommendations

  • Use both the data and external factors to inform your recommendations

   Participants in this event need to analyze data, create recommendations based on that data, then present their recommendations to a small panel of judges. The data is provided on the pdf for this event. Presentations are required to:​

Topic Information

Additional Resources

In 2023, major wildfires in Canada caused unprecedented air quality issues in the United States, especially in New York City. HealthyCleanAir4All, a fictitious nonprofit based in New York City, was founded to improve the air quality in the city. They have asked you, a data analyst, to analyze data regarding air quality, find trends, and make recommendations about improving the air quality in New York City.

Digital Video Production

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a 2 minute video about tourism which will be submitted before the presentation portion of this event. At the competition, participants will present to a small panel of judges. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Submit a video prior to the competition

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

  • Complete a 3-minute Q&A session following the presentation

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Create a video that highlights the importance of tourism in your community or state.

The topic itself is short and sweet. The video you create needs to be 2 minutes or less with entirely original content. The video needs to be submitted before the presentation itself, which is essentially an overview of your video and why/how you made the creative decisions for your video.

Electronic Career Portfolio

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event will present an electronic career portfolio, an electronic portfolio showcasing personal achievements, growth, skills, and education, to a small panel of judges. Prior to the competition, presenters should create an electronic portfolio which will be reviewed during the presentation itself. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

  • Complete a 3-minute Q&A session following the presentation

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Sometimes, a basic resume is not always enough. Electronic Career Portfolio provides members with the opportunity to present a portfolio showcasing their ability to combine their achievements, growth, vision, skills, education, training, and career goals into an electronic format. This competitive event consists of a presentation component where the portfolio is shown to the judges.

Graphic Design

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a presentation based on the graphic designs created to match the brief below. The presentation will be 7-minutes in front of a small panel of judges. Your presentation should include the following information which matches the topic below:​

  • Team and logo design

  • One uniform or jersey for the team

  • Design a hat or other item to sell in the team store

  • One giveaway item for a team to hand out at a game to fans

  • One social media post advertising the team

  • One social media post advertising a special event at a game

Topic Information

Additional Resources

For this event you act as a graphic design firm. Your graphic design firm has been asked to create a branding package for a fictitious sports team. The package needs to showcase your creativity and highlight your skills in today’s design industry. You don't need to physically create the requested items, mock ups are acceptable. The details of your final presentation are entirely up to you.

Impromptu Speaking

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event will give a speech to a small panel of judges based on a topic they receive at the competition. The speech will be created at the competition and presented almost immediately after its creation. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will receive a business topic

  • They will have a 10-minute period of time to create and prepare a speech

  • Competitors have 5-minutes to present

  • Two note cards and a pencil will also provided on site

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Impromptu Speaking provides members with the opportunity to demonstrate their skills around preparing and delivering a speech extemporaneously. This competitive event consists of a speech, with the topic being given on site. Participants will receive the topic, then be given 10-minutes to prepare. Following the preparation time competitors will have 5-minutes to present.

Introduction to Business Presentation

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a presentation based on a business topic than showcase that information to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). The presenter will be acting as a representative for a fictional business. The presentation guideline for this event include:​

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

  • Complete a 3-minute Q&A session following the presentation

Topic Information

Additional Resources

For this presentation, the competitor will act as a representative for a business. As this agent, you have been asked to give a presentation at the high school career fair. The topic for the presentation is Smart Money Management Tips for High School Students. 

Introduction to Programming

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a program that is interactive. Once the program has been completed, competitors will present the program to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

  • Complete a 3-minute Q&A session following the presentation

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Write an interactive story that occasionally asks the user what they’d like to do, and changes where the story goes based on user input. Allow the user to stop interacting with the story by saying “stop.” No specific programming language has been specified. The interactive story should be the focus of the presentation to the judges. The presentation should also include the creative process required to make the interactive story.

Introduction to Public Speaking

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a speech which fully addresses the topic and present that speech in front of a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). The speech should be written far in advance of the competition and must follow the guidelines shown in the rubric of the provided pdf. Presentation guidelines include:​

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Develop and deliver a speech based on the following topic: How volunteerism and community service can shape your future as a leader.


The speech needs to be under 5-minutes. While you can use note cards, technically, successful competitors will have their speeches memorized or as close to memorized as possible.

  • Participants will have 5-minutes to present

  • Competitors will be judged on how well they adhere to the topic, theme, strength of introduction, supporting information, the strength of the conclusion, and overall speech delivery  

Introduction to Social Media Strategy

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a social media plan based on the assigned topic then present that plan to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). For this presentation, competitors must act as an employee for a marketing agency. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

  • Complete a 3-minute Q&A session following the presentation

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Participants will act as an employee of a marketing agency. Acting as an agent, participants must develop one social media strategy aimed at increasing donations and support for a local nonprofit organization in your community. Highlight specific projects, success stories, and behind-the-scenes content to build a connection with the audience. If any reference to an existing non-profit agency DO NOT create a live social media account.

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a resume and cover letter, tailored to a job of their choice, then complete a mock interview for a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). The job targeted in the presentation materials must be one the participant will be qualified for at the time of competition or by the end of the school year. The resume and cover letter must be submitted prior to the competition. Submission elements include:​

  • A cover letter written to an HR representative (see pdf)

  • A resume highlighting skills, achievements, experiences, and volunteerism

  • Complete a 10-minute interview with a panel of judges

Topic Information

Additional Resources

There is no specific theme for this event. Participants need to create a resume and cover letter for any job desired. The job needs to be one that the competitor is currently qualified for, or will be qualified for by the end of the current school year. Participants do not need to find a currently available job opening; however, they do need to have a specific job in mind when tailoring their resume and cover letter materials.

Job Interview
Public Service Announcement

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a 30-second public service announcement, then present the final video to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). The presentation should also include information about the video creation process, including techniques used, research, and decision making used to create the final video. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

  • Complete a 3-minute Q&A session following the presentation

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Produce a 30-second public service announcement about Healthy Habits in the Workplace. The healthy habit(s) the PSA features are entirely up to the competitor provided they follow all the specifications outlined for the video in the pdf. The presentation should show the PSA, then describe the design and development process for creating the final video.

Public Speaking

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a speech which fully addresses the topic and present that speech in front of a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). The speech should be written far in advance of the competition and must follow the guidelines shown in the rubric of the provided pdf. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will have 5-minutes to present

  • Competitors will be judged on how well they adhere to the topic, theme, strength of introduction, supporting information, the strength of the conclusion, and overall speech delivery  

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Develop and deliver a speech based on the following topic: The Power of Networking: Building Professional Relationships for Future Success.


The speech needs to be under 5-minutes. While you can use note cards, technically, successful competitors will have their speeches largely memorized.

Sales Presentation

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a presentation designed to sell a product to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). The presentation is meant to be an interactive sales pitch, and the judge(s) may ask clarifying questions throughout. With this in mind, there is no Q&A session following the presentation, as judges will inquire about information throughout the sales pitch. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Participants can choose any product to sell the judge(s). Competitors should chose a product they are well versed in. The product should also have multiple variations, so the presenter can differentiate and customize their recommendations to the panel of judges as necessary.

Social Media Stragegies

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a social media plan based on the assigned topic then present that plan to a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). For this presentation, competitors must act as an employee for a marketing agency. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

  • Complete a 3-minute Q&A session following the presentation

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Participants will act as an employee of a marketing agency. Acting as an agent, participants must develop multiple social media strategies for a new eco-friendly clothing brand. Emphasize storytelling, influencer partnerships, and user-generated content to create buzz and drive sales. DO NOT create a live social media accounts for this event.

Visual Design

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to design a business space and create a presentation which showcases the design as well as the creative decision process used when finalizing the design. The presentation will be in front of a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people). Competitors will act as an agent for an outside consulting firm. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

  • Complete a 3-minute Q&A session following the presentation

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Participants will act as an agent of a consulting firm used to create a final design for a business. Acting in this capacity, participants must design a booth for one stand at a Local Farmers Market. The booth should highlight the products being sold and the booth should show the company or farmer name and pricing of the products. Participants will show the final design as part of their presentation.

Website Coding and Development

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a website and present that website in front of a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people total). The presentation will demonstrate the website and review the creative decision making process of making that website. This presentation is focused on the backend portion of website design. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

  • Complete a 3-minute Q&A session following the presentation

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Create a website for your school’s guidance department so students can easily search job postings and employers can easily submit them. Your website must include the following functionalities:

  • A page for employers to submit postings

  • A backend panel to approve or delete postings

  • A page displaying the approved postings

  • A page for students to apply for the posting

Website Design

  Event Description:

   Participants in this event need to create a website and present that website in front of a small panel of judges (typically 1-3 people total). The presentation will demonstrate the website and review the creative decision making process of making that website. This presentation is focused on the forward-facing part of website design. Presentation guidelines include:​

  • Participants will have a 3-minute set up time

  • Competitors have 7-minutes to present

  • Complete a 3-minute Q&A session following the presentation

Topic Information

Additional Resources

Your school has opened a large gymnasium that can also be used as a 3,500-seat arena for events in the community. The community could rent the gymnasium for local sporting events, live concerts, trade shows, and other community events. You must create a website to promote this arena. The website should include the following elements:

  • A calendar of events

  • A box office area to purchase tickets

  • An information area that includes directions, seating charts, policies, and amenities

  • A planner page that includes information on arena rental, contacts, etc.

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